Monday, September 22, 2008

My Brave Big Boy!

It's amazing to think we've made it 3 1/2 years without needing an ER trip for our kids. We sure are lucky! However when they decide to get hurt, they go ALL out. While playing at Jeff's company party Friday night, Jackson tripped (darn Crocs) and fell into a fire pit. :-( That's right - fire. Luckily someone immediately grabbed him out. He was very scared & shaken up, and we took him to the ER to get checked out. He has 2nd degree burns on his right arm & hand, but the doctor thinks it's healing great and hopefully won't leave any scars.

He's loving the attention! When else can you get doughnuts for breakfast, 5 tv shows in one day and your daddy sleeping in your room with you?

And one of Cooper for good measure:


LyndseyS said...

Poor Jackson! Give him 'Feel Better Hugs' from Maddi!

Stacey R. said...

I'm so glad he's okay, Shellie. It does look like he was eating up the attention! :o)